Bibliographie du thema Hypertextes et information

Anderson, K.M. Supporting Software Engineering with Open Hypermedia
This paper explores the underlying issues and discusses relevant work of the approach to supporting relationship management in software engineering by open hypermedia.
Mots-clés: hypertexte-ouvert, développement
Balasubramanian, V. State of the Art Review on Hypermedia Issues And Applications
Nouvelle version (consultée, 15 octobre 2006) composée de 9 chapitres (1: Hypertext - An Introduction; 2: Implementation Issues; 3: Database Issues; 4: User Interface Issues; 5: Information Retrieval Issues; 6: Integration Issues; 7: Applications; 8: A Systematic Approach To User Interface Design For A Hypertext Framework; 9: Summary Of Research Issues (sauvée sous HT.tar.gz)


Bieber, M. Supplementing Applications with Hypermedia
But: fournir des fonctionnalités hypermedia à tout système d'information. Il s'agit donc de trouver des techniques d'intégrations qui n'altèrent pas les applications primitives (Draft version 1997).
Mots-clés: ohs
Cuff, L.D. Commercial Hypertext Publishing--Ebooks using Trails and the Author-Publisher-Reader Model
Commercial hypertext publishing is presented with the author-publisher-reader model (APR).
Mots-clés: ebook
De Bra, P. & Calvi, L. AHA: a Generic Adaptive Hypermedia System
The core of the AHA system consists of an engine which maintains a user-model based on knowledge about concepts. Knowledge is generated by reading pages and by taking tests.
Mots-clés: modèle-usager, hypertexte-adaptatif
Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E. & Stork, D.G. (2001 ). Pattern Classification . New York: Wiley Interscience ((2nd ed.) ).
"Bayesian decision theory is a fundamental statistical approach to the problem of pattern classification.."

A également paru: "Computer Manual in MATLAB to accompany Pattern Classification" by David G. Stork and Elad Yom-Tov


Dufresne, A. (2001 ). Conception d'une interface adaptée aux activités de l’éducation à distance - ExploraGraph . Sciences et techniques éducatives , 8(3) , 301-320 .
Recherche de l'intégration de différents types d'activités dans une interface ergonomique. (DufresneSTE2001.pdf)
Mots-clés: EAD, ergonomie
Dufresne, A. Conception d'une interface adaptée aux activités de l’éducation à distance - ExploraGraph
Paru dans STE
Mots-clés: EAD, ergonomie
Hayashi, K., Nomura, T., Hazama, T., Takeoka, M. & Hashimoto, S. Temporally-threaded Workspace: A Model for Providing Activity-based Perspectives on Document Spaces
This paper presents a framework for providing activity-based perspectives of a document space, especially in the WWW. An activity-based perspective is a view of the subspace of the WWW document space that a knowledge worker should understand or modify while executing the activity.
Mots-clés: spatial-hypertext, document-partagé
Klir, G.J. (1985 ). Reconstructability Analysis: Aims, Results, Open Problems . Systems Res. , 2 (2) , .

Klir, G.J. (1985 ). Architecture of Systems Problem Solving . New York: Plenum Press ( ).

Marcoux, Y. Place de SGML parmi les nouvelles architectures documentaires
Texte d'une allocution prononcée dans le cadre de la conférence "Technologie SGML 1996", au Château Laurier à Ottawa, le 27 mars 1996
Ohene-Djan, J.-F. (2000 ). A Formal Approach to Personalisable, Adaptative Hyperlink-Based Systems . Goldsmiths University of London, Departement of Mathematical and Computing Sciences ( ).
Zwick, M & Shu, H. (1995 ). Set-Theoretic Reconstructability of Elementary Cellular Automata . Advanced on Systems Science and Applications , Special issue I , .


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